Its Not What It Seems…. 2

Skin prickling

Heat stifling

Sweat ejaculated from my skin

A kerchief to wipe away my doubts

And a best man to steady my stance

Oggling eyes

A sea of white 

With a dash of red

That’s my uncle

Probably stoned

An uneasy fart snakes down

Silence! My arrogant master

Don’t dare to make your presence known

Lest my bride to be wrinkles her nose

Messing and wrinkling

Cringing in spite of you

Enter the fanfare

Glorious copulating notes 

Serenading her tender footsteps

Veiling her virgin smile 

Her train behind 

Her Pa’ beside

Ma tearing softly 


Silently in a haze

My mind in phase

The drums of my ancestors


Gyrating in my chest





I can hear my pulse in my brain

A troubling thought

Ah,  this fart is such a pain (side laugh

She’s almost close enough 

Just near enough to taste her cologne

Mind to caress her skin

Hands to feel her aura

My shoulders drop

Accentuating my still deflated chest

She’s here


“Don’t say it out loud, you pest! “

Hand in mine

Heart entwines 

Veil up

Pulse drops

That smile

That oh so delicious smile


I wonder if it can be served with tea

Perhaps a side of eggs…

A muffled screech

“Stop it I say ! “

Her nose twitches

The strain in my cleft itches

If this dam breaks, 

The audience will be in stitches


Everybody, just STOP! 


silence is never as loud

Never as defeaning

As when caressed by awkwardness

The dam breaks

As a kite flutters violently in a hurricane 

My coat tails shudder

The ghastly gust

As damning winds passed

Ripping through the succulent silence

As tear in the pants

When you fall in public

She turns to me

Venom spitting forth from her eyes

“Its… Its Not What It Seems… “

~Stick around for the ending………